De-implementation strategy to reduce inappropriate use of intravenous and urinary catheters


De-implementation strategy to reduce inappropriate use of intravenous and urinary catheters (RICAT)

Catheter-associated bloodstream infections and urinary tract infections are frequently encountered health care-associated infections. We aimed to reduce inappropriate use of catheters to reduce health care-associated infections in a multicentre, prospective, interrupted time-series and before and after study.

Read the full article: De-implementation strategy to reduce inappropriate use of intravenous and urinary catheters (RICAT): a multicentre, prospective, interrupted time-series and before and after study.
Bart J Laan, Jolanda M Maaskant, Ingrid J B Spijkerman, Marjon J Borgert, Mieke H Godfried, Berend C Pasmooij, Brent C Opmeer, Margreet C Vos,
Suzanne E Geerlings.
The Lancet Infectious diseases, March 6, 2020

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