Getting started

The program To do or not to do? has developed several tools and manuals. Unfortunately these are at this moment only availabe in English and are meant to inspire how different tools can be used to reduce low-value care.

Deimplementation tools

(in Dutch)

... and manuals

  • A deimplementation guide with six steps for reducing low value care
  • A toolkit for reducing inappropriate laboratory diagnostics
  • A toolkit for reducing inappropriate urinary and intravasal catheters
  • A list with 12 examples of low-value care and effective interventions
  • A report with te activities and results of the program (2014-2018)

Programs in other countries

The program To do or not to do? is part of the international Choosing Wisely initiative, which aims to encourage doctors and patients to have the right conversation about whether certain care is necessary. The following websites of these programs provide more information about reducing inappropriate care, including useful toolkits:


  • Patient information on antibiotics antibiotics with an urinary catheterby Choosing Wisely US
  • toolkit for reducing inappropriate urinary catheters by Choosing Wisely Canada
  • toolkitfor reducing catheter-related urinary related tract infections by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  • toolkitfor reducing inappropriate laboratory diagnostics at the emergency department by Choosing Wisely Canada