Drug allergies

Allergology, General practitioner, Hospital-wide

Drug allergies

Allergology, General practitioner, Hospital-wide
Many patients are unfairly labeled as having a drug allergy. This in turn results in the unnecessary prescription of alternative and sometimes broad spectrum antibiotics.

A large part of the patients who indicate to have a drug allergy, turn out not have an allergy at all. According to several studies, only 30% of the registered drug allergies are considered to be justified. People whom have a drug allergy receive an alternative (antibiotic) treatment, which is often more expensive and increase risk of developing resistance. In some cases, the alternative medication causes hospital admissions. Therefore, it is of prime importance that the unjust diagnosis of drug allergy is prevented. The project will have succeeded when the number of patients with a drug allergy has decreased to 40% of its current level.

‘A change in behavior in healthcare providers is the most important’


The project team will spread knowledge among healthcare providers and use special teams whom will promote both the appropriate antibiotics use and labeling. These special teams are also appointed to address the appropriate registration of medicine allergy within their respective hospitals.


Planned intervention start: Winter 2019
Planned duration: 2 year.

Learn more:

Contact us at: Info@doenoflaten.nl.


Theo Roovers

| Elisabeth-TweeSteden Ziekenhuis, Tilburg

Ard van der Kruis

| Elisabeth-TweeSteden Ziekenhuis, Tilburg